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Turbo Mailer Review: Bulk Emails Sender - N3,500 or $10

Turbo Mailer is a Bulk Mailer and Email List Processor. It is a Full-featured bulk email software with intuitive hands-on GUI for sending out newsletters & personalized circulars.

Set up and send out your first newsletter within minutes after installation !

Turbo-Mailer simplifies the process of sending email in bulk. This can be used when sending out newsletters or advertisements.

With Turbo-Mailer, you can personalize the bulk emails you send out by inserting text variables that are populated from tables or log files. Insert emails addresses from tables as well. If you regularly send out mailing lists, then cut down on the time it takes by using this software.

Turbo-Mailer lets you set up and send out bulk email like newsletters or personalized circulars efficiently with ease. Turbo-Mailer is very simple to use, though it provides powerful best-in-class options. Special highlight is a email list processor supporting formulas for. Parallel multi-threaded SMTP ensures optimal transfer speed.

Key Features of Turbo Mailer:

Intuitive User Interface, Text & HTML Editor

Sends Text & HTML Email, Attachments and Embedded Images 

Powerful Address List Processor
( Formulas for advanced usage  )

Mail Personalization
( From CSV, Excel Tables, Access, ODBC, SQL )

Professional Power
( Parallel multi-connection SMTP transfer, log files, no limits )

Other Feature List of Turbo Mailer

1. It comes with a License Key

2. Sends bulk email text & HTML

3. Text Editor, built-in HTML Editor and interface to external HTML editor

4. Sends attachments and embedded images (local images in HTML)

5. Message personalization through text-variables (e.g. from Excel table columns)

6. Multi-parallel SMTP (multi-threaded) exploits the bandwidth best for big mailing jobs

7. BCC option reduces network traffic
Automatic charset/unicode mail transfer

8. Wide unicode text editor (supports multilingual/16bit character sets in plain text mails too)

9. Writes professional log files (successful and refused email addresses).

10. Imports address lists and personalization columns from local text files, from tables (e.g. Excel, CSV), from ODBC-connectable databases (SQL-SELECT) and from the Windows Clipboard

11. No limits in size or length of lists other than memory

12. Email address list manager :: Manage a set of lists. Combine and compute lists by mouse click

13. Email address list formula computations: Joining and splitting, removing of duplicates, slicing of email lists, operator syntax, and much more ...

14. Outlook address books can be imported

15. Importing of newsletter subscription notifications: Scanning of email addresses from arbitrary formatted notification emails in Outlook folders (like newsletter subscription notifications) or scanning from text/html files. Supports versatile regular expression patterns

16. Supports advanced SMTP login

17. Secure SSL/TLS SMTP transfer

18. Partial transmissions can be consistently continued. Log files are itself valid e-mail list files and may be processed in the list manager

19. Periodic SMTP re-connection: TurboMailer can establish a fresh SMTP connection each time a configurable number of mails have been transmitted

20. Automatic modem auto-dial-up/hang-up option (saves connection fees)

21. Batch Option: TurboMailer can be controlled through command line

Regular Price: $50
Today Only: $10 or N3,500

To Your Success,

The price of this Turbo Mailer is #3,500 or $10.

To get this Turbo Mailer, pay N3,500 or $10 in the bank account or Bitcoin address  below:

Account No:  2141143437

Bank Name:   UBA 

Account Name: Salman R. Opeyemi 


You can also pay with Crypto coin by paying $10 into our USDT or BUSD address below:

Send only USDT (BEP20) to the address below:



Send  only BUSD (BEP20) to the address below:


You can also pay the $10 into our perfect money  or payeer account account below: 

Perfect Money =  U23798005

Payeer Account = P1031063204

After then, Whatsapp Us by clicking the  chat button below immediately after with evidence of payment to claim your TURBO MAILER...Which will be sent to your Email.