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Piggyvest Review: How to Save, Invest and Earn with Piggyvest


PiggyVest is the first online “Savings & Investment” app in West Africa. It first launched as “Piggybank.ng” on the 7th of January 2016 as a savings-only platform.

For 3 years, Piggyvest offered ONLY savings to their users. Then in April of 2019 Piggybank.ng rebranded to “PiggyVest” and then began to offer DIRECT investments opportunities to users in addition to savings.

4 years on, Piggyvest continued to deliver excellent service to over  one million users and counting, by helping them manage their finances in a very simple way. Combined, PiggyVest users save and invest billions of Naira every month that they would probably be tempted to badly spend.


Piggyvest helps you to save money be it little or large amount over time and when you are ready to collect the money, you get it with interest, so basically it is safe to say they help you in doing the contribution.

You can choose to save little amounts of money periodically (Daily, Weekly or Monthly) towards a specific target OR lock away funds for a specified period of time.

Piggyvest takes  away the stress by combining simplicity, discipline, convenience, and flexibility to enable you to manage your finances better and achieve financial freedom.

Commercial banks maximum interest on savings is 4% of which they charge you for ATM card maintenance fees and other charges so at the end of the day you won’t earn much for leaving your money in their care. (Too bad)

With piggyvest you get between 10-12% interest on saved money without any charges plus other bonuses, sounds good right? Click here to join piggyvest right away and save smartly and use 08105563657 as referral code to receive free N1,000.


All of the savings and investment options on Piggyvest are tailored towards a particular need.

#If you'd like to regularly put away money for your savings and withdraw only once a quarter, then the Piggybank wallet is right for you. You can set it so that money is taken from your account and you don't have to worry about saving manually.

#If you're saving towards a particular goal such as rent or travel, Target Savings is a great option. You can make it a fun challenge to smash all your financial goals.

#If you're looking for something geared towards the long term, The SafeLock feature is perfect for you. With higher interest rates, you could lock away funds you don't need access to and make even more money by doing so.

#If you're looking to get started on investments or diversify your portfolio, then pre-vetted, low-risk investment opportunities are regularly available on Investify to help you grow your money.


To start saving on PiggyVest, Visit their website  to create an account by clicking the Join button below and use 08105563657 as referral code to receive free N1,000.

#Set up your withdrawal account details; this is the bank account that funds you withdraw will get sent to.

#Enter your debit card details to activate your account and then make your first deposit. (You may use a MasterCard, Visa or Verve card from any Nigerian bank).

#You may now proceed to use any of the Savings Plans to start your daily, weekly or monthly savings.

Note that if you don't want the automatic debit on daily, weekly or monthly basis, you can be using the quick save button on the website to deposit any amount at any time convenient for you. On the dashboard, click on home. The plus sign is the quick save button. See screenshot below.


No! it's completely FREE. There are no bank charges for transferring money to your PiggyVest account. Unlike Commercial Banks like First Bank, Access Bank and others which deduct money from customers for ATM charges, USSD services, Maintenance charges and so on, PiggyVest is completely free of charge.


You can ONLY save between:
N50 - N25,000 daily,
N1000 - N100,000 weekly,
or N3,000 - N500,000 monthly

However, you can always top up your savings at any time using the "Quicksave" option which allows you to add any amount.



The piggy bank service or features enables you to save money, all you have to do is choose any amount of money to save and the amount will be automatically taken from your account, during the process you will be asked to choose a withdrawal time in year.

sounds good right? That with the high % one will be discouraged to touch part of the money which will imbibe saving culture in us. Click here to start saving with piggyvest today and use 08105563657 as referral code to receive free N1,000.


PiggyVest just added an investment feature where you can invest in agriculture, production and industries right from the app. Currently there is an ongoing Rice farm investment where you invest a certain amount that will be used to farm rice and you will be paid back after 9 months with 20% interest. From the app, click on Invest icon,  then click on INVEST NOW. See screenshot below.


This feature on the piggyvest platform allows you to set money aside for a fixed period of time without having access to it until its maturity time. This is just like a typical fixed deposit account but on your mobile phone this time.

This feature also gives you the room to choose your desired duration of time to lock funds. You can lock for as little as 10 days or as much as 1000 days.


With Target Savings, you are able to save consistently towards a particular financial goal. You can create a personal target or a Group savings challenge with your multiple users.

Save for your rent, vacation, a new gadget and even towards starting your new business with Target savings, and earn more money while at it!

How Do I Activate or Create a Target Saving?

Log in to your dashboard and click on the 'Savings' sign on the bottom panel of your dashboard.

Click on the 'Targets' option 

and then click on 'Create a Target'.

Select the Target option you'd like, fill in the required fields and save the Target to activate it.

Can I Break My Target Savings at any Time? 

Yes, you can.

On the website, log in to your dashboard and select the 'Target Savings' option on your dashboard. Click on 'Manage existing Targets' and then select the target you would like to end.  Select 'Give up'.  Read more on the Frequently Asked Questions on their site.


Do I Get Interest on PiggyVest? 


10% per annum on Piggybank
Up to 15.5% per annum on SafeLock
10% per annum on Target
10% per annum on Flex
6% per annum on Flex Dollar
Up to 25% on Investify.


Piggyvest offers a service called flex Naira which permits you to transfer, accept and build emergency funds with ease, and zero charges. Additionally, you can fund your Piggybank, Target, Safelock, Flex Dollar or Investify using funds in your Flex.

How to Fund My Flex Naira Account 

To fund your Flex account, simply link your BVN to your Piggyvest account to get your unique Flex account number. To see your flex account after that, see steps below. From the dashboard, click on Account.

Then you will see Flex Number Number by Providus. Click on the number.

That's the flex account below. It is called providus bank. You can transfer and receive payments with it. Anytime you are transferring Money to it, Choose Providus as the bank name.

Once this is done, log into your banking app, input this account number in the required field and select Providus bank as the recipient bank.
Follow through with the required steps for funds to be transferred from your bank account to your flex account. I love transferring to my flex account because my Money receives Good interest daily. Register through the button link below 
and use 08105563657 as referral code to receive free N1,000.



When you signs up on PiggyVest using this link, you will earn free N1000, which is paid into your SafeLock. Doesn't that sound good to you? Join piggyvest now and use 08105563657 as referral code to receive free N1,000.

To claim your N1,000, Fund your flex account with at least N100. After then, the N1,000 will move from Safe Lock to your Savings account automatically.

Read the heading on How To Fund Your Flex Naira Account Above.

Go to google play store and also download the app to make transactions easier for you. Register first before downloading the app. 

Don't forget to leave a comment below if you have any question about piggyvest or if you have ever used piggyvest platform.

Happy Saving and Earning!